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Application for DNA Testing

Season of Justice (SOJ) supports victims of unsolved violent crimes by funding various types of advanced DNA analysis solutions, such as forensic genetic genealogy and next-gen sequencing, by bridging the gap preventing investigative agencies from accessing resources that could help solve these difficult cases.

Season of Justice does not fund adult Doe or baby Doe cases where the investigative goal is limited to the identification of the victim. Doe cases may be considered in matters of clear homicide or where special circumstances exist. If you need additional guidance, please contact the Season of Justice staff.

Beginning January 2024: Season of Justice requires applicants seeking DNA analysis to include fully incorporated cost estimates from two (2) different independent forensic labs (vendors) of their choice. These estimates should include all evidence testing, DNA analysis, and any additional forensic services that the Investigative Agency anticipates utilizing to get the results needed to advance the investigation. Season of Justice strongly suggests that the applicant (Investigative Agency) conduct case reviews with the two (2) independent forensic labs. When doing so, please indicate that the cost estimate will accompany a Season of Justice grant application. This will provide the required quotes for the application process and help ensure the investigative agency is requesting the most appropriate testing for that case.  This does not apply to those applicants seeking funding exclusively for forensic genetic genealogy services.

For agencies unable to solicit quotes from multiple independent labs due to MOUs, exclusivity contracts, and/or state statutes, please state the reason in the additional comments field at the end of your application. Season of Justice (SOJ) is an independent nonprofit organization unaffiliated with any private lab or forensic service providers. While we are happy to provide a list of labs and service providers that have worked with Season of Justice grantees, it’s the Investigative Agency’s responsibility to select vendors in accordance with their state/local statutes. SOJ reserves the right to fund or deny funding at the sole direction of its Board of Directors. The Board of Directors is the only entity that can grant funding for a grant proposal.

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